Biological Source

Plant Part – Peeled and un peeled stolons, root and stem

Scientific Name – Glycyrrhiza glabra

Family – Leguminosae


Odour: Characteristic  

Taste: Sweet

Shape: Cylindrical


Chemical Constituents

*       Saponin glycoside: Glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhizin acid


Coumarin derivatives – Umbellirerone  



Chemical Tests

Salkowski test


few drops of con. H2SO4 + liquorice powder


Reddish Brown colour

liquorice contains glycyrrhizin


1.      Demulcent and Expectorants

2.     Tonic

3.     Laxative

4.     Diuretic

5.     Anti-inflammatory

6.     Cough, peptic ulcer treatment



Biological Source

Plant Part –  dried Leaflets

Scientific Name – Cassia senna

Family – Leguminosae



Taste: Characteristic

Odour: Slight

Taste: Mucilaginous, unpleasant

Shape: Lanceolate, Bases are asymmetric


Chemical Constituents

Aloe-emodin, Glycosides

Sennosides A, Sennosides B, Sennosides C, Sennosides D

Calcium Oxalate Etc.


Chemical Tests

Borntrager’s Test

3 ml Benzene + 5ml NH3 (10%)


3 ml of extract of senna


Pink, violet/ red colour in NH3 layer

Sennoside present

Magnesium Acetate test

Ether extract of herb + methanolic magnesium acetate


Pink colour in Daylight /

Pale green/orange in UV

Sennoside present


1.      Laxatives

2.     Diuretic,

3.     Used to treat gout, fever

4.     Treat pimples


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