LIQUORICE Biological Source Plant Part – Peeled and un peeled stolons, root and stem Scientific Name – Glycyrrhiza glabra Family – Leguminosae Morphology Odour : Characteristic Taste : Sweet Shape : Cylindrical Chemical Constituents * Saponin glycoside: Glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhizin acid * Coumarin derivatives – Umbellirerone Chemical Tests Salkowski test few drops of con. H 2 SO 4 + liquorice powder ¯ Reddish Brown colour liquorice contains glycyrrhi...
Cardiac Glycoside DEF - Cardiac glycosides are a class of organic compounds that increase the output force of the heart and decrease its rate of contractions by inhibiting the cellular sodium-potassium ATPase pump. General structure- The general structure of a cardiac glycoside consists of a steroid molecule attached to a sugar ( glycoside ) and an R group. [4] The steroid nucleus consists of four fused rings to which other functional groups such as methyl , hydroxyl , and aldehyde groups can be attached to influence the overall molecule's biological activity. [4] Cardiac glycosides also vary in the groups attached at either end of the steroid. ð All glycosides consists of an aglycone which is attached to one or more sugar (glycone) moieties. ð The Aglycone part have the pharmacological activity → Attached sugar moiety modify the solubility and Permeability. ð The Aglycone part consist of Cyclopentanope...
Utilization of Vinca alkaloids Chemotherapy for Cancer : Vinca alkaloids are used in chemotherapy for cancer. Anti tumor Immunosuppressive Drugs : Vinca alkaloids are now produced synthetically and used as drugs in cancer therapy and as immunosuppressive drugs. Antihypertensive Properties : Vinpocetine, a semi-synthetic derivative of vincamine, has demonstrated antihypertensive effects by improving blood circulation and reducing peripheral resistance. Neuroprotective Properties : Vinca alkaloids have shown neuroprotective potential against various neurological disorders, including Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. vincristine (a) and vinblastine (b)
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