Name of 2 Unorganised Drugs are Opium and Aloe vera 


  • Dried Juicy Latex of 
  • Papaver somniferum 
  • Papaveraceae Family 

Uses - 

  • Pain Relief: Opium is chiefly used as a strong analgesic agent to relieve pain
  • Manufacture of Heroin: Opium can be manufactured into heroin and is a prerequisite for heroin production.
  • Hypnotic Drug and Diaphoretic: It is also used as a hypnotic drug and as a diaphoretic.
  • Treatment of Diarrhea and Abdominal Cramps: Opium can be used to treat diarrhea and abdominal cramps.

Aloe Vera 

  • Dried Juicy leaves of 
  • Aloe barbadensis 
  • Liliaceae 


  1. Anti-oxident 
  2. Anti-bacterial 
  3. Lowers Blood Sugar 


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