
Pterocarpus is a pantropical genus of trees in the family Fabaceae

These trees are typically found in lowland forests, swampy areas, and riverbanks.


  • Size: These trees can reach impressive heights, often exceeding 30 meters (98 feet).
  • Leaves: usually with opposite leaflets.
  • Flowers: The flowers are arranged in large panicles, producing a fragrant display.
  • Fruits: The fruits contains one or two seeds.


  • Pterocarpus species is valuable for its durability and attractive color, making it suitable for furniture, construction, and musical instruments.
  • Medicinal Properties: Various parts of Pterocarpus trees, particularly the bark, have been traditionally used in medicine for treating various ailments such as diarrhea, and fevers.
  • Kino, a red exudate from the stem and bark of Pterocarpus trees, is used as a natural dye and astringent.


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