
Name of 2 Unorganised Drugs are Opium and Aloe vera   Opium Dried Juicy Latex of  Papaver somniferum   Papaveraceae Family  Uses -  Pain Relief : Opium is chiefly used as a strong analgesic agent to relieve pain Manufacture of Heroin : Opium can be manufactured into heroin and is a prerequisite for heroin production. Hypnotic Drug and Diaphoretic : It is also used as a hypnotic drug and as a diaphoretic. Treatment of Diarrhea and Abdominal Cramps : Opium can be used to treat diarrhea and abdominal cramps. Aloe Vera  Dried Juicy leaves of  Aloe barbadensis  Liliaceae  Uses:  Anti-oxident  Anti-bacterial  Lowers Blood Sugar 
Utilization of Vinca alkaloids Chemotherapy for Cancer : Vinca alkaloids are used in chemotherapy for cancer.  Anti tumor  Immunosuppressive Drugs : Vinca alkaloids are now produced synthetically and used as drugs in cancer therapy and as immunosuppressive drugs. Antihypertensive Properties : Vinpocetine, a semi-synthetic derivative of vincamine, has demonstrated antihypertensive effects by improving blood circulation and reducing peripheral resistance. Neuroprotective Properties : Vinca alkaloids have shown neuroprotective potential against various neurological disorders, including Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. vincristine (a) and vinblastine (b)
Source of Podophyllotoxin  Dried Rhizomes of  Podopbllunt peltatum   Family: Barbaridaceae  Uses: Purgative 
Botanical Source of  Citrus  Biological Source  Leaves of Cymbopogon citratus   Family Poaceae Uses Aromatherapy  PErfume  Flavouring agent  Skin Care  Anti-microbial  masking agent 
Biological Source of Gentian  dried roots and rhizomes of Gentiana lutea . Family: Gentianaceae Chemical Constituents: The principal constituent of gentian is gentiopicroside , also known as gentiopicrin. 
 chemical structure of caffeine chemical structure of reserpine
A plant Belonging to the family  Liliaceae is Aloe Vera   Biological Source  Plant Part: Dried Juicy Leaf  Scientific name: Aloe barbadensis   Family: Liliaceae  Uses:  Anti-bacterial  anti- oxidant Skin Care  Lowers Blood Sugar