
Showing posts from December, 2023
Name of 2 Unorganised Drugs are Opium and Aloe vera   Opium Dried Juicy Latex of  Papaver somniferum   Papaveraceae Family  Uses -  Pain Relief : Opium is chiefly used as a strong analgesic agent to relieve pain Manufacture of Heroin : Opium can be manufactured into heroin and is a prerequisite for heroin production. Hypnotic Drug and Diaphoretic : It is also used as a hypnotic drug and as a diaphoretic. Treatment of Diarrhea and Abdominal Cramps : Opium can be used to treat diarrhea and abdominal cramps. Aloe Vera  Dried Juicy leaves of  Aloe barbadensis  Liliaceae  Uses:  Anti-oxident  Anti-bacterial  Lowers Blood Sugar 
Utilization of Vinca alkaloids Chemotherapy for Cancer : Vinca alkaloids are used in chemotherapy for cancer.  Anti tumor  Immunosuppressive Drugs : Vinca alkaloids are now produced synthetically and used as drugs in cancer therapy and as immunosuppressive drugs. Antihypertensive Properties : Vinpocetine, a semi-synthetic derivative of vincamine, has demonstrated antihypertensive effects by improving blood circulation and reducing peripheral resistance. Neuroprotective Properties : Vinca alkaloids have shown neuroprotective potential against various neurological disorders, including Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. vincristine (a) and vinblastine (b)
Source of Podophyllotoxin  Dried Rhizomes of  Podopbllunt peltatum   Family: Barbaridaceae  Uses: Purgative 
Botanical Source of  Citrus  Biological Source  Leaves of Cymbopogon citratus   Family Poaceae Uses Aromatherapy  PErfume  Flavouring agent  Skin Care  Anti-microbial  masking agent 
Biological Source of Gentian  dried roots and rhizomes of Gentiana lutea . Family: Gentianaceae Chemical Constituents: The principal constituent of gentian is gentiopicroside , also known as gentiopicrin. 
 chemical structure of caffeine chemical structure of reserpine
A plant Belonging to the family  Liliaceae is Aloe Vera   Biological Source  Plant Part: Dried Juicy Leaf  Scientific name: Aloe barbadensis   Family: Liliaceae  Uses:  Anti-bacterial  anti- oxidant Skin Care  Lowers Blood Sugar 
Pterocarpus  Pterocarpus is a pantropical genus of trees in the family Fabaceae .  These trees are typically found in lowland forests, swampy areas, and riverbanks. Characteristics: Size : These trees can reach impressive heights, often exceeding 30 meters (98 feet). Leaves : usually with opposite leaflets. Flowers : The flowers are arranged in large panicles, producing a fragrant display. Fruits : The fruits contains one or two seeds. Utilization  Pterocarpus species is valuable for its durability and attractive color, making it suitable for furniture, construction, and musical instruments. Medicinal Properties : Various parts of Pterocarpus trees, particularly the bark , have been traditionally used in medicine for treating various ailments such as diarrhea , and fevers . Kino , a red exudate from the stem and bark of Pterocarpus trees, is used as a natural dye and astringent.
Modified Borntrager Test modified borntrager's test is chemical test used to detect the presence of anthraquinone moiety in some glycosides. Process : Drug + Dil. H2SO4  + Ferric Chloride  Boil in Water Bath and then cool  Filter  Extract with CCl4/Benzene  Ammonium Sol Added  Observation : Pink or Red Colour confirms the presence of Anthraquinone Moiety 
CLOVE Biological Source Plant Part – Dried flower buds Scientific Name – Eugenia caryophyllus Family – Myrtaceae   Uses Condiment Carminative Antiseptic Flavouring agent Local Anaesthetics (dental purpose)
Senna  Biological Source Plant Part –   dried Leaflets Scientific Name – Cassia senna Family – Leguminosae   Chemical Constituents Aloe-emodin , Glycosides Sennosides A, Sennosides B , Sennosides C, Sennosides D Calcium Oxalate Etc.  
Write a note on umbelliferous fruits Umbelliferous fruits are produced by plants in the Apiaceae family , also known as the celery, carrot, or parsley family.  Macroscopy: They are composed of two mericarps, each containing a single seed. The mericarps are attached to a central stalk, or carpophore .  Umbelliferous fruits are typically small and dry, and they are often brown or gray in color. Example:  Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) Uses: Spices Flavorings Medicines Essential oil.
Biologic Source of Taxus  Plant part:  The bark Plant name:  Taxus brevifolia Family: Taxaceae , commonly called the yew family. Taxus (yew) trees contain alkaloids called taxanes that have anticancer activity
Explain Combined umbelliferone test The Combined Umbelliferone test is a specific test for the presence of combined umbelliferone in a substance. Process Triturate the drug (if in tear form) with sand. Boil 0.5 g of the drug with 3 ml of hydrochloric acid and 3 ml of water for 5 to 10 min.  Filter the mixture and to the filtrate add an equal volume of alcohol and excess of strong solution of ammonia . (Alcohol : Ammonia = 1: 1)  Observation : A blue fluorescence is produced because of the presence of combined umbelliferone.  This test is used in the analysis of substances like Asafoetida
Vitali morin test The Vitali-Morin test is a specific test for tropane alkaloids. Process : The powdered sample is moistened with nitric acid . The mixture is then evaporated to dryness. A methanolic solution of potassium hydroxide is added to the residue. Observation : If a violet color is produced, the test is positive.  This test is positive for Solanaceae family drugs such as Belladonna, Datura, Henbane, Mandrake, Tobacco, etc
Digitalis  Biological Source Plant Part – Dried leaves Scientific Name – Digitalis pupurea Family – Scrophulariaceae   Uses 1.      Used in treatment of Congestive Heart failure 2.      Preparation of Digoxin 3.      Treatment of articular fibrillation  
TEA Biological Source: Part of Plant: Leaf Buds  Scientific Name of Species:  Camellia sinensis,  Family: Theaceae CC Caffeine, Catechin, Theaflavin, Theanine  Caffeine 
Radioisotopes are radioactive isotopes of an element. They can also be defined as atoms that contain an unstable combination of neutrons and protons, or excess energy in their nucleus.  The unstable nucleus of a radioisotope can occur naturally, or as a result of artificially altering the atom. Uses  Detection and Assay of Radioactively Compounds Precursor-product Sequence Biosynthesis of Ergot Alkaloids Administration of Precursors Studies on the Growth and Metabolism of Animals and Plants.  Elucidating biosynthetic pathways: Radiotracers can be used to identify the precursors, intermediates, and products of metabolic pathways, providing a detailed understanding of the biosynthesis of various natural products. Investigating drug metabolism